How To Survive A Zombie Attack In Dc

cdc how to survive a zombie apocalypse

You've heard the TV shows, " Zombie Crawl" and " Zombie Walk" and you're beginning to wonder, "What do I do in case of a zombie attack?" The news is full of scares about zombies these days and it seems there is more emphasis on the possibility of a zombie breakout than we are aware of. But there are many ways to protect yourself if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation. These ideas may help you in your everyday life as well. Continue reading if you'd like to learn how to survive a zombie attack.

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First of all, remember that you have the power to fight off an attack of any kind. Zombies don't have any energy or strength and they rely on instinct and fear to keep them alive. As a matter of fact, if you have no idea what's going on, you may even be more vulnerable. So stay calm, look around and don't panic.


It is also good to try to camouflage yourself as much as possible and to blend in with the surroundings. When you see a zombie, run for safety and don't look at the person who is behind you. If you see someone who is approaching, turn around and look at the zombie and run away!

How To Survive A Zombie Attack In DC


In fact, this is a good time to practice your zombie-fighting skills. Pretend you are the attacker and make an attack on the walkers. Watch what happens and then try it again when the time comes. This is a way to get a feel for what it would be like to be attacked by real zombies.


If you are close to a zombie and you see one getting ready to attack, distract it with some objects. A rock or a fire may keep it from getting to you. Then you can attack the zombie and bring it down. The more people you have distracting it, the better chance you have of bringing it down.


Now that you have a few zombies, you need to focus on the one on the front and on the back. Zombies will flock to the sound of a loud noise. This means you need to stay away from scents and noises that will draw them in. Keep all your focus on these zombies. You will need to attack them quickly and with force.


When you attack the zombies, you need to try to hit it from a long range. Use the side walkers to get between zombies and the approaching COC. This way you won't have to worry about being shot. You can use the walkers to attack from a distance. You can also throw rocks at the zombies to distract them.


If you have a long ranged weapon like a gun you can take out as many zombies as you want. Just make sure you get everyone covered and that the one on the front is your target. When you get them close enough, the DC zombies will start charging at you. You must move to the side and take cover behind something. This way they can't just shoot you. If you can figure this out, you can survive a zombie attack.


When you are in the process of fighting a zombie attack, try to use the walkers as shields. They have no armor and will not block every shot. However, if you are hit by more than one shot, you will be okay.


After surviving the initial wave of zombies, your next priority is to get to safety. Use the large group of stairs to get to safety. Use the big doors to get out of the zombies.


Don't forget to use the DC scavenger fight club. It will be useful to have when fighting any zombie attack. As long as you know how to use it, you should survive a zombie attack. Follow these steps, and you will have an enjoyable time while surviving the zombie hordes.

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